Thursday, July 25, 2013

Upcoming Workshop for Special Needs Caregivers

EDITOR'S NOTE: Late this afternoon I just got word from Hanover County HR that this all-important workshop (below) is temporarily POSTPONED due to unforeseen circumstances beyond anyone's control. I'll definitely keep you posted as to the new date and time as soon as I hear something! - DJ

Just got word from our friends at MetLife Plan Smart Financial Education that they're holding a workshop especially for caregivers of special needs children soon. Your Dependent with Special Needs: Making Their Future More Secure takes place on Tuesday, July 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Social Services Large Conference Room (12304 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA, in the rear of the building). Feel free to bring your lunch (and your spouse!).

Topics covered during the seminar will include choosing a guardian, trustee or conservator; providing lifetime care through special needs trusts; selecting appropriate funding methods for these trusts; and protecting government benefit eligibility for SSI (Supplemental Security Income).

As always, it's super-simple to register. Visit (if prompted for an employer's name, use Hanover County [two words]); call 1-866-801-3547 or fax the registration form (available on the website) to 1-855-288-6015.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Superfood!

Quiz time! What has been depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, was first harvested more than 5,000 years ago and is the "number one fruit on Facebook"? That's right, everyone's favorite super sweet summertime treat, watermelon. Did you know, though, that watermelon is one of the hottest superfoods around?

The latest buzz in the foodie world is that watermelon is exceptionally good for you. A serving size of 2 cups (!) (what other food can you think of that measures a serving in THAT quantity?!) is only 80 skinny calories. Watermelon is 92 percent water, so it fills you up without filling you out. Each serving piles on the antioxidants and provides about 25 percent of your daily vitamin C and 30 percent of your daily beta carotene (which our bodies convert to vitamin A).

Watermelon also contains lycopene, the miracle cancer-fighting substance. In years past, tomatoes seemed to get all the attention in the nutritional world for their high lycopene concentration. Nutritionists and food gurus alike now know that watermelons contain even more lycopene than their round, red, fruit cousins. Munching a slice or two of melon each day is said to lower your risk of certain cancers, including lung, oral, esophageal and colon.

All you juicing fanatics take note: watermelon can be juiced in its entirety - seeds, rind, and all! Scientists have discovered that the most nutrient-dense portion of the fruit is the rind, and that watermelon seeds contain beneficial fats. While deeply hydrating (with a 92 percent water content, how could it not be?), watermelon juice is also high in vitamin B6, which is essential for brain balance, lowering anxiety and keeping depression symptoms in check. Some suggest it might even play a role in regulating women's hormonal balances, which makes it great any time of the month!

How do you choose the perfect watermelon? Run your fingers along the center of the fruit. You should feel slight ridges, indicating the melon is "mature" (not-quite-ready melons are completely smooth to the touch). Give the melon a good "thump" - you should hear a hollow sound (some experts say the tone produced is a b-flat!). The fruit should feel heavy for its size (due to its high water content) and should have a creamy, pale yellow spot on its underside showing where it had ground contact in the farmer's field. Yummy straight from the 'fridge on a stiflingly hot day, even better just off the roadside produce stand, fantastic any way you serve it, watermelon is the ultimate year-round superfood!

Hungry for more? Check out the National Watermelon Promotion Board's website to learn more about the 300-plus varieties of watermelon grown; pick up astonishing trivia for your next dinner party; try some new recipes and read more about the myriad of health benefits contained in the fruit. If you're feeling creative, be sure to stop at their carving page and see just how beautiful (astounding/imaginative/incredible) healthy eating can be!