Friday, May 24, 2013

Living Longer, Living Better

Did you know that, according to data from the National Alliance for Caregiving, an estimated 65 million people in the U. S. are currently serving as unpaid caregivers for a family member, and that 70 percent of those are caring for a family member over age 50?

Let's face it: as a nation, we are living longer these days (thanks in part to better health care and a bigger focus on personal well-being). Chances are, the longer we live, the more likely that we'll need some type of assistance with daily living down the road. Where can you go and who do you turn to when faced with the task of becoming a caregiver for the person who took care of you?

I just got word of a fabulous new seminar being offered for PRL staff by the fine folks at MetLife called Caring for Aging Parents.This seminar will provide tips on anticipating your loved one's daily living needs, prepare you for the financial, mental and physical impact of being a caregiver, and will help your explore planning options are your loved one's needs change. It's also ideal for those caring for a spouse, other relative or friend.

Caring for Aging Parents will be held on Thursday, June 27 in the Social Services Large Conference Room, 12304 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Registration is required. Visit and enter "Hanover County" (two words) as the company name when prompted. You can also register by calling 1-866-801-3547. Your mom and dad will be so proud of you!

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